VickyGrem S.rl.

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ORA-AID intraoral patches

Ora-Aid is an innovative intraoral dressing patch.

Ora-Aid intraoral dressing patches are designed to make every dressing inside the oral cavity easier and more effective and to protect wounds and injuries inside the mouth efficiently.
Ora-Aid intraoral plasters can be applied to all types of wounds, injuries, and irritations in the oral cavity and work by reducing tooth sensitivity, stabilizing clotting, protecting ulcers and mouth ulcers, and protecting open wounds with stitches.
After 6 to 8 hours after application, the patch dissolves.

The main features of Ora-Aid intraoral dressing patches are:
– a new concept of intraoral dressing.
– Wound and injury protection from food, bacteria, and cigarette smoke.
– equipped with solid adhesive capacity due to hydrophilic polymer.
– easy to cut and shape.
– saliva increases its adhesive power.
– reduce the feeling of irritation.
– practical and easy to use.
– mint scent helps reduce bad breath.
– contain vitamin E.

To learn more about the features of Ora-Aid, we invite you to download the pdf.